NEXT Friendship Formula Workshop is Sunday 9 March! BOOK NOW


Are you looking for ways to empower your child?
If yes, you've come to the right place.

Lemonade Kids is a proud licensee of the multi award winning Standing Strong program. As additional support for you and your family we would love to welcome you to our Standing Strong Online program. 

We understand how important it is for parents and carers to play an active role in supporting your child through the challenges they face. Through this online program with over 40 positive mindset topics, adults are given the tools to empower and support your family from the comfort of your own home.

This program is for parents and carers who are:

  • Looking for information on issues their children are facing.

  • Wanting to build stronger and more open relationships with their children.

  • Wanting to improve communication with their children.

  • Proactive and looking for preventative ways to build safety networks around their children.

Developed by Standings Strong's team of child and teen wellbeing experts, we have everything families need to feel more connected, resilient and stronger together.

With lifetime access it will help your child to overcome challenges they may be experiencing now, in twelve months or in the future. Adults alike will benefit from this amazing content too!

These resources are available 24/7 for your convenience and can be viewed on desktop, tablet or phone devices. 

We can't wait for you to get started!

Supporting children and parents together...

Through our online evidence-based programs children and teens will learn how to:

  • Build strong minds with empowering mindset and emotional wellbeing videos and resources.

  • Nourish and take care of their bodies through inspiring self care videos and resources.

  • Build strong hearts with relaxation, stress management and mindfulness activities and resources.

  • Feel connected and become a part of a supportive, kind and inspiring community.

Parents Say...

"If I could give more than 5 stars, I would! Lemonade Kids is such a wonderful place for kids, particularly in the busy, whirlwind world that we live in today. My daughter regularly does Lemonade Kids and comes back happier and with strategies to help herself in challenging situations. I highly recommend their Standing Strong program to every child, and this program would be great for adults too!" Alpha (Happy Parent)


4 Modules
40 Topics
40 Video Resources
280 PDF Printable Resources
+ Bonus STRONG Community Library with over 35 Video Resources
+ Bonus 15 Mindfulness Audios
Valued at over $720

Each of the modules below include an individual topic video recorded by the Standing Strong team of wellbeing experts, plus seven printable resources for each topic (total of 40 videos and 280 printables). For each topic explored the printable resources available to families include: topic discussion questions, top tips, journal page, goal poster, family questions & activity, affirmations and a creative poster.  

Module One Theme: SUPPORT

The ten topics in Module One are:

  1. Dealing with Bullying

  2. Embracing Failure

  3. Finding Forgiveness

  4. Dealing with Change

  5. Loneliness vs Being Alone

  6. Working Through Worry

  7. Dealing With School Pressure

  8. Understanding Dishonesty

  9. Understanding Jealousy

  10. Dealing With Sadness

Module Two Theme: GROWTH

The ten topics in Module Two are:

  1. Making New Friends

  2. Power of Reflection

  3. Cyber Smarts

  4. Your Comfort Zone

  5. Finding Your Voice

  6. Embracing Individuality

  7. Building Self Awareness

  8. Setting Boundaries

  9. Dealing With Copying

  10. Understanding Anger

Module Three Theme: SELF CARE

The ten topics in Module Three are:

  1. Body Appreciation

  2. Being Your Own Best Friend

  3. The Power Of Gratitude

  4. Creating Kindness

  5. Friendship Changes

  6. Nutrition

  7. Embracing Self Care

  8. Boosting Self Esteem

  9. Importance of Self Love

  10. Working Through Stress

Module Four Theme: MOTIVATION

The ten topics in Module Four are:

  1. Building Confidence

  2. Choosing Happiness

  3. Making Decisions

  4. Attitudes Matter

  5. Giving Back

  6. Finding Motivation

  7. Reaching Goals

  8. Building Resilience

  9. Boosting Self Belief

  10. Your Values


You are welcome to go through each topic one after the other, or you can pick and choose which topics you would like to focus on depending on your child's needs and interests. It's a great idea to go back and revisit topics as your child continues to grow and have new experiences. Each time you cover a topic you will notice your child's responses will be different. This program has been designed specifically to help you maintain connection and build open communication with your child as their life experiences expand.

While enjoying these topics together, remember to encourage your child to open up and share. It's important to create a safe space for them to talk about their thoughts and feelings without judgement. Try to avoid telling your child what to do and instead encourage their own thinking and problem solving. A great way to do this is to ask questions such as;

  • What do you think about ______ ?

  • What would you do in that situation?

  • Do you think there is another way you could do it?

  • How do you think that would affect others?

  • How does that make you feel?

  • If that happened again, what would you do differently?

  • What do you wish that person had done differently?

Your child may say things you don't agree with, or things that surprise you. It's important to maintain your 'poker face' and keep your own emotions and reactions in check. By doing this, you will help to build a sense of safety and acceptance for your child. This is important for building long term connection and encouraging ongoing open communication.

Within each topic folder you will find Video Resources and 7 PDF Printable Resources.

These resources are available 24/7 for your convenience and can be viewed on desktop, tablet or phone devices. 

We can't wait for you to get started!



This course includes 4 Modules, 40 Topics, 40 Video Resources, 280 PDF Printable Resources + Bonus STRONG Community Library with over 35 Video Resources and over 15 Mindfulness Audios. There are two courses specifically tailored for children aged 5 to 11 years and teens aged 12-18 years. Both courses are valued at over $720 each.
This product is for non-commercial and non-professional use only.

For Children 5-11 Years
Valued over $720
Pay only $179

One Time Payment - Lifetime Access

For Children 12-18 Years
Valued over $720
Pay only $179

One Time Payment - Lifetime Access


Our goal is to support you in every way we can. If for some reason you aren’t completely satisfied with Standing Strong Online, email to let us know within the first 7-days for a full refund. 

Important note, Standing Strong Online is not designed to be a platform to disclose personal difficulties or medical conditions. If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, abuse or addiction, please seek help immediately by calling your country’s support agencies, such as Lifeline Australian on 13 11 14 or visit If you have a medical emergency, please call 000 or contact your doctor without delay. 


Join Founding Director and Counsellor Kim Marie Smith and Counsellor and Sexologist Erika Shaw who are the program creators of Standing Strong, a holistic health and wellness program for children and teens. With over fifteen years of experience working with children and families, Kim and Riki share their insight, experience and expertise in this entertaining and supportive podcast. If you’re a parent looking for support and you believe in taking a village approach to raising children, this is the podcast for you!

EPISODE 1 - Creating a support network around your child

Welcome to the STRONG Parents Podcast! In our first episode we explore the challenges parents face with creating a support network for their children. Taking a village approach to parenting is not always easy and in this episode we explore the challenges parents face along with the benefits of allowing other adults to be a part of your child’s life.
CLICK HERE to watch or listen

EPISODE 2 - When your child resists support

What to do when your child resists support… In our second podcast episode we explore the challenges parents face when children resist the support they are trying to provide including counselling, mentoring, extra curricula activities and support services. It’s often very challenging for parents to know what to do in these these challenging times. In todays episode we offer support on how to work with your child to give them the support they are needing.
CLICK HERE to watch or listen

EPISODE 3 - Noticing early signs of anxiety

Are you noticing early signs of Anxiety in your child…In this weeks podcast episode we explore the challenges parents face when they start to recognise the early signs of Anxiety in their children. It’s often difficult for parents to know what to do when children start withdrawing from activities and resisting social settings. In this weeks episode of the STRONG Parents Podcast we offer support to parents to help their children while navigating this challenging time.
CLICK HERE to watch or listen

EPISODE 4 - Supporting your child through emotional outbursts

In this weeks episode we offer support to parents who are trying to help their children through heightened emotions and or emotional outbursts. As parents, we often become the target of our children’s emotional surges. This can be difficult, especially if our children turn their emotions or hurt onto us. For parents, our role is to guide and support our children to work through their emotions, this is often easier said than done. 

In this weeks episode of the STRONG Parents Podcast, we offer parents suggestions on how to keep themselves emotional protected through their children’s outbursts. We also explore the importance of revisiting difficult situations once emotions have settled, in order to help our children with emotional regulation.
CLICK HERE to watch or listen

EPISODE 6 - Preparing for your daughters first Period!

In this weeks episode we talk all things Periods! We explore the worries, uncomfortableness and questions parents often face and share our tips on how parents can support their daughters through this huge transition. Getting their periods for the first time can be an anxious time for many girls.
Parents often feel unsure of how to support their daughter, especially if their daughters seem embarrassed or begin to shut down the conversation. In this weeks episode we share ways to reduce the uncomfortableness and create a safe place for your daughter to open up about any fears, worries or questions she may have.
CLICK HERE to watch or listen


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