FILLING FAST! Easter Holiday Programs Workshops & Camps BOOK TODAY!



  • Enrolments must be paid for online, in full via the links provided through the Lemonade Kids registration page.
  • Please refer to our Cancellation Policy for refunds and credits.


  • Enrolments close one business days prior to the start date of the program.
  • Parent/carers understand participation in Lemonade Kids programs is entirely at you and your child/dependant’s discretion, and you acknowledge that your child/dependant and yourself may choose to decline or cease participation at any time. 
  • Please ensure Lemonade Kids staff are made aware of any information you deem important in relation to your child/ren and/or family (such as excessive fears, toileting, behavioural styles, interests and abilities, cultural values and religious beliefs).
  • It is essential that prior to commencement of care all enrolment information is complete and up to date. 
  • Term classes run in program blocks, payment is made before the start of the block to secure your place
  • When available at the discretion of Lemonade Kids, you can join at any point in the program 
  • You understand that the content delivered is a licensed service covered by copy write
  • Lemonade Kids will always do our best to deliver classes and programs on time as advertised, please note that our schedule is subject to change or cancellation if insufficient numbers are booked or for any reason outside of our control.


  • If a participant needs to cancel you agree all programs are non-refundable 
  • You understand a credit can be issued with written notification provided by parent/carer prior to the commencement time and start date of the program enrolled in to.
  • If you have registered into a multi-day program and you miss one day of the program your fee is forfeited, unless a medical certificate can be provided and a credit can be issued for the pro rata amount of day/s missed.

If Lemonade Kids has to cancel any programs a full refund or credit will be issued to participants.


  • Lemonade Kids aims to maintain a quality program that is safe and fun for all participants. All children enrolled are expected to behave appropriately and follow the instruction of Lemonade Kids staff members.
  • In the case that the Lemonade Kids staff identifies that a child’s behaviour is inappropriate, program staff will involve the child’s parents to work in partnership to positively manage the behaviour and make decisions for the benefit of the child and program.
  • If the highly inappropriate behaviour persists, a decision will be made about the wellbeing of the child and the group of children attending a Lemonade Kids program. 


  • I acknowledge that the activities conducted by Lemonade Kids can be physically or emotionally demanding and may involve a degree of risk.
  • In the case of an emergency and for training purposes, you authorise Lemonade Kids staff to take your child/ren outside of the premises of the program.
  • Although all care will be taken, Lemonade Kids staff will not be held responsible for accidents or loss of property in connection with any child’s participation in the program.
  • If there are any court orders relating to the powers and responsibilities of the parents in relation to the child or access to the child/ren, please notify
  • If the authorised parent/carer is not the person dropping off or picking up the child, you will need to notify Lemonade Kids in writing. Please include person's name, relationship to the child and contact details.


  • This program is unable to care for sick children or children with contagious illness. 
  • If your child/ren requires the administration of medication please provide written notice to
  • In the event of an accident, injury, trauma or illness suffered by your child, you agree that Lemonade Kids staff are authorised to seek or where appropriate administer such medical treatment as is reasonably required.
  • In the event of an accident, injury, trauma or illness suffered by your child, you agree that Lemonade Kids has permission to release personal information to such medical professionals as necessary, and to obtain any medical attention that Lemonade Kids deems appropriate, including ambulance or other transport as appropriate at the time. You agree that you are responsible for all costs associated with responding to and treating your child/ren's illness or injury.

Photography & Privacy

  • I understand photographs may be taken during classes for purposes that Lemonade Kids deems to be appropriate, including for advertising, publicity and presentations. You understand if you have not granted permission of this in the enrolment registration, than your child/ren's face will be concealed with any marketing material or public posts.

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